The ευ talk with Ida, creator of the anti-procrastination platform ‘Playground’ [EN]

The ευ talk με την Ida, δημιουργό της πλατφόρμας Playground, που συνδυάζει εργασία με χαρά

Ida is the creator of the “anti-procrastination” platform Playground. Started during the lockdown, Playground is a platform that helps you with procrastination and supports the belief that, as mentioned on the website—and I love that!—”we don’t need to take ourselves too seriously to do a seriously great job.” 

She is also behind the planning of working remotely with other people from Ikaria, a project called ‘Coworking Island Life‘, which also includes activities like surfing, boxing, or pilates – and isn’t that another way of saying “Let’s combine work and play!”?

1. Ida, tell us the basics of how that platform works.

Yes🙂! My Playground is a part-serious and part-playful platform which helps people work on what matters, to them. I believe most of us have ideas and something that we would like to create or try, but unfortunately many don’t make the actual step. We procrastinate. But what if you could change that vibe, and move from overthinking to excitement and let’s-try-it.

The ευ talk with Ida, creator of the anti-procrastination platform 'Playground'
The ευ talk with Ida, creator of the anti-procrastination platform ‘Playground’

2.What are three typical ways that people get in the way of enjoying their jobs more?

I tend to procrastinate when I am scared to make the actual step. So what helps is to make that first step really small, so you begin the process. There is this tagline ‘start by starting’ and it always makes me smile.

Science says that apart from fear, we also get blocked because we are not sure what we should do (we don’t have clarity) or the work seems tooo big and challenging or maybe we are just bored. Depending on which one it is, there are many strategies you can play with, but in general, I find it helpful to have more compassion and understanding for yourself.

The ευ talk with Ida, creator of the anti-procrastination platform 'Playground' [EN]

3. Why is it important to be playful? What is the opposite of ‘playfulness’ to you?

Play can be a real help with being an adult 🙂 You can use it in many spheres of life. For eg. when I don’t feel like washing dishes, I put on a song and race against it to see how many I can wash. Scared to write an article? I role-play as a journalist.  Of course, we can’t always be playful, it’s human to have ups and downs, but I’ve found that being curious, lets me act in a more relaxed way.   

The opposite of play could be perfectionism. I also suffer from it, and this is why having a ‘playground’ is almost like a philosophy that reminds me of what’s really important and encourages me to take it all less seriously. 

4. Share with us one of your newly discovered or all-time favorite productivity tips!

Work less 🙂 I learned that we are most productive and can work in a focused way for up to 4-5hs. I’m most productive in the morning, so I block those hours for focused work and the other part of the day for easier/administrative tasks. So that’s my tip, distinguish between deep-focus-work and easy work and plan for it accordingly.

5. Which colors, shapes, or pictures spring to mind first when you hear the term “play” right now, and why?

I was never very good at drawing, but I guess it would be something messy, maybe with some stars and some sea-blue-blue. Somehow this question takes me to Ikaria and images of island life. I went there for 5 days but stayed for 2 months with my laptop. It is a special, wild place where you can just be and see what happens. If you are also lucky enough to work remotely (or on holiday), find me there in July.

The ευ talk with Ida, creator of the anti-procrastination platform 'Playground' [EN]
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